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Notice of Data Security Incident

Murray County Medical Center (“MCMC”) recently learned that an unknown, unauthorized third party gained access to one (1) MCMC employee’s email account. Upon discovering the incident, MCMC promptly began an internal investigation, secured the email account, and engaged a leading forensic security firm to assist in the investigation and confirm the security of its email and computer systems. The forensic investigation recently concluded and determined that the unauthorized third party accessed some information within the email account. The type of information varied for each individual, but may have included their name, date of birth, driver’s license number, Social Security number, and limited health information.


MCMC is committed to taking additional steps to further reduce the risk of this type of incident occurring in the future, including reviewing its cyber security posture. MCMC is notifying the involved individuals and has arranged for complimentary identity protection and credit monitoring services for those individuals whose Social Security numbers and/or driver’s license numbers were involved. The notice will include information on steps individuals can take to protect themselves against potential fraud or identity theft. In general, MCMC is recommending that individuals regularly monitor credit reports, account statements and benefit statements. If individuals detect any suspicious activity, they should notify the entity with which the account is maintained, and promptly report any fraudulent activity to proper law enforcement authorities, including the police and their state attorney general.


MCMC values the trust you place in it to protect your privacy and takes responsibility to safeguard your personal information seriously. Individuals seeking additional information may call a toll-free inquiry line at (866) 810-5898 between 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday, excluding major U.S. holidays.

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