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MCMC Stuffs the Bus!

August 9th-August 11th, Murray County Medical Center collected school supplies for MCC and Fulda school districts. The supplies collected went towards helping underprivileged students that may not have all of the tools they need to start the school year off strong. Over the three-day span, Ludolph Bus Service had one of its busses parked at the hospital for folks to stop by and drop off supplies. After the end of the drive, the supplies were split evenly to be dropped off at each school.

“It can be really difficult for a student to be successful in school when they start off the year struggling for basic supplies. When a student doesn’t have the tools they need for school, they can begin feeling like they’re falling behind and that can negatively impact their mental health- which is why Murray County Medical Center wanted to do its part to help these kids” said Doria Drost, organizer of the drive.

Over the three-day period, over 50 pounds of school supplies were donated by community members and hospital employees in addition to over $300 being raised to purchase additional supplies for each of the schools. Murray County Medical Center wants to thank everyone for their contributions to their ‘Stuff the Bus’ event, and they look forward to making the supply drive an annual event to help support local schools.

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